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Oppose New Small Lot - Local Planning and Land Use Meeting

  • 543 North Fairfax Avenue Los Angeles, CA, 90036 United States (map)

Friends and neighbors,

The Fairfax District is facing yet ANOTHER developer who wants to build a Small Lot Subdivision in our historic neighborhood (539 N Spaulding Ave - please see attached images).

Please join us at our local Mid City West Planning and Land Use meeting this coming Tuesday night to oppose this project.

When: Tuesday May 16th at 6:30PM
Where: 543 N Fairfax Ave in the Auditorium
Why: Protect our neighborhood from out of scale, destructive speculative development!

The project's design, mass, scale and height does not fit in with our neighborhood. The developer is seeking a 20% height bonus in order to maximize profits at our neighborhood's expense. No way!

Whether you can come or not, please send an email to our representatives telling them why you oppose this project.

We have provided a sample letter below. Feel free to copy/paste/make it your own.

Please send your email to:

Feel free to cc or bcc:

Subject Line: 539 N Spaulding Ave

Sample letter:

To Whom it May Concern:

I am writing to oppose the proposed Small Lot project at 539 N. Spaulding Ave (Case #: AA-2017-305-pmla-sl).

As a resident of this neighborhood, I believe the project’s scale, massing, height, low quality and poor design are incompatible with the surrounding historic district. I am especially opposed to their request for a 20% height increase. The zoning calls for a maximum height of 30 feet. A 20% height increase would only add to the inappropriateness of this project, especially since the surrounding buildings go no higher than 24 feet.

Out of place infill projects such as these detract from the architectural quality of our neighborhood. They demolish affordable housing options, and replace them with unaffordable luxury units. Our city is in desperate need of affordable housing, and this project will only exacerbate the problem.

It is clear, both from the poor design and lack of community outreach, that these developers do not understand the needs of our neighborhood, which is currently seeking Historic Preservation Overlay Zoning. I oppose this project, as it will not be a welcomed addition to our neighborhood.

Thank you.



Earlier Event: February 28
Stanley Ave Final Appeal Hearing